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Other Writing Examples

Here are some more examples of writing pieces I have completed for class, clubs, and recreation.
Communications 121 Capstone Research Paper

This was a research paper based off of statistical analysis of 150 survey responses. A full hypothesis test was conducted on the data, from building indexes from different response dimensions, to reliability and validity tests of measures, to regressions to find correlational values in the data of interest.

Press Advisory for Robotics Team

The above is a press advisory drafted on behalf of a high school robotics team in order to alert local media that State Representative Dian Slavens would be visiting the team for a student-led informational session.

Advanced Science Fiction: Frankenstein Analysis

This was a paper written in high school that showcases the blending of academic and creative writing. The paper approached the idea of foil characters by comparing Dr. Frankenstein and the boats throughout the book in terms of opposite amounts of usefulness.

Op-Ed on Changing Pope and Vatican

This was an op-ed piece that I had published in the Depaulia, Depaul University's student-run newspaper. I covered the breaking news of the Pope's stance on homosexuality and posited what the role of the church in individual's lives and in the larger world should be. 

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