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Re-Purposing Blog Posts

This food blog,, was inspired by a hilariously disastrous attempt I'd made in 2014 to make a brownie in the microwave and the ensuing Facebook post. Each blog post tells the story of a new dish I'd tried my hand at, never with overly fruitful results. The cooking and writing were a great deal of fun and I'm considering continuing the blog. I'd also like to return to early posts to rework some areas, slowing down places where the story feels rushed and adding even more multimodal elements.

Blog Intro Post

Sarah Leeson, April 12, 2015


"Everyone makes mistakes– some just document them better. Some even document them at their own expense for the betterment of others. Still others do so for amusement.


I originally thought I fell into that latter group, but now I’m not so sure."

Blog Post 1: Chicken and Goop

Sarah Leeson, April 12, 2015


"I made the mistake of promising my friends food.


As most everyone dealing with teenagers and perpetual-children in their twenties can tell you, that is a rookie mistake."

Blog Post 2: Gnocchi

Sarah Leeson, April 12, 2015


"I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to visit family in Italy this past summer and one of my top priorities while there was to seek out and eat authentic gnocchi (other priorities included kissing Italian boys and petting Italian dogs)."

Blog Post 3: Microwavable Brownies

Sarah Leeson, April 12, 2015


"I took a class once on the anthropology of food (I am a serious student who takes serious classes) and what was emphasized again and again throughout the course is that eating is a social activity. Sharing meals is something that is seen across cultures and history; we go out to eat with friends for a reason."

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